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I am presently researching the names:Harmon, Hutchinson, Wenholz, Wyse, Callander, Jaeck, Lloyd, Wilson, Watson, Miffleman, Reiddler, and Nelson
Hi, my name is gfaith, short for gramma Faith to many,(Mostly my grandchildren, haha), but in my heart I also think of it as Gods' Faith. My site is new and I am still building on it, much like God is with us always. I hope to have some of my geneology on these pages with some of my more favorite links. Feel free to browse, stop and say hello, or just sign your John Henry, or June Henry, whichever the case may be. You can also email me, if you see any names here that might strike a bell with you and sound familiar. Hope to be chatting with you soon, and best wishes, GFaith

God does not keep us from lifes' storms, but he does walk with us through them.

Welcome to my Personal Website! Freeservers is the greatest free hosting company in the whole world. You are visitor number:5621 , and I am happy you came and took a peek-see at my page. Best wishes with your name hunting. gfaith